Monday, March 22, 2010

Lecture 8 : Cross-Gender Interaction

It never occurred to me that communication between genders, can be considered cross-cultural! But after the lesson, I really how true it was! Boys and girls are brought up in total different ways, and are really considered different!I guess that's one similarity ALL ethnicities share! Oh wells maybe not - I DO recall a tribe in North America that differentiate gender by the roles one played in society, not the sex. means if you are 'destined' to be a hunter, you will be brought up in the "masculine" role, whether you are male or female.

The plurality of cultures, even between genders make me wonder, it's so all-encompassing, then true human rights and so-called democracy will never exists? There will be some group that claim certain 'tradition' to their advantage. It is indeed a very tricky and complex situation.

As for english being sexist, one simply has to look to their long long history to understand why. England, is historically a patriachal state. a good example is the case of homosexuality. Did u know that gays were not allowed in the past? But there was no rule concerning lesbians! Simply because the people at that time did not even manage to conceptualise the idea of two women making love!

Singapore is extremely patriachal too! LKY once said, women are MEANT TO BE HOUSEWIVES. He said how can they have full jobs like lawyers and doctors, and at the same time have families? haha

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