Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lecture 6: Communication Systesms 1: Component & Representations

Finally some concepts i can understand again! concepts to be used to interpret data, results from cross-cultural studies.

I'm guessing i could maybe use the "power distance", definitely not the "uncertainty avoidance", and most definitely the "masculinity vs feminity" component.

Singapor, being a patriachal society ( it still is, no matter how feminists want to argue. hrmph!), would certainly have implications on how couples use humor to resolve conflict. Certainly I'd think that perhaps the male would use humor more, and well and more aggresively etc.

Yet culturally, Singaporeans are not homogenous. Different classes, different groups of Singaporeans are exposed differently to world cultures. One could say (generally of course) that the higher level of education one attains, the more exposed one is to western cultures, and hence "egalitarianism" of the genders. Of course family backgrounds, frequency of mass media usage etc would affect too.

Hence, i am truely excited to see the results of my study, when it is completed. yay!

and i was doing some readings - there are 150 definitions in English and American sources alone, of "culture". Culture is so large and all-embracing, and grasp some aspect of a complex whole is not enough. Language is but a piece of puzzle in this mighty jigsaw, and to study culture and make assumptions/statements based on language is certainly not enough. We need to back it up with detailed study of cultures, like anthropology, and vice versa.

ending of with another great song, classic one. i wonder, do i include same-sex relationships in my definition of "dating couples"? haha that would definitely complicate things!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, linguistic approach to the study of culture has its limitations, which needs to be complemented by other approaches from different disciplines.
