Friday, February 12, 2010

Lecture 3 - Spoken Discourse

Still haven't really grasped the concept of Spoken Discourse. what's it different from Speech acts and events?

a concept my dad once told me: if you call me, means you want something of me. so why should i answer first? YOU tell me who you are. YOU tell me what you want! haha seems a little b*st*rd, but i find it true. and i find it useful in swatting away irritating sales calls. Show some irritation and impatience and you've alread turned your back.

But somehow these sales calls ignore all these openings, cues, negotiations. if you offer a pre-closing offering, they practically ignore it. which i guess is what makes them so irritating.

Me: um...okie but i'm not interested..
Sales guy: why not? it's a good plan! never know till you try it!
Me: ur huh..if i actually had to try everything on earth then????

gosh this is turning into a ranting post. and so i've taken to not answering unfamiliar numbers, or simply hanging up.

I suddenly had a thought for the research topic. how about: LISTENER RESPONSE FOR DATING COUPLES! haha or something along that line. might be interesting! that research would sell! girls will be buying to see if their boyfriends are "faking" it. haha


  1. Haha.. your father sounds like a cool guy..
    Speaking of telemarketers; i get reminded of this particular moment from the sitcom Seinfeld.. It goes something like this:

    Telemarketer: Hi, would you be interested in switching over to TMI long distance service.

    Jerry: Oh, gee, I can't talk right now. Why don't you give me your home number and I'll call you later.

    Telemarketer: Uh, I'm sorry we're not allowed to do that.

    Jerry: Oh, I guess you don't want people calling you at home.

    Telemarketer: No.

    Jerry: Well now you know how I feel. [hangs up]

  2. hey.
    I think listener response for dating couples is indeed very interesting. haha... sounds like something that all girls would want. hmm.. LOL!

  3. All this talk about telemarketers has got me thinking about what we learnt about phone closings and how we can possibly use them against telemarketers to initiate an end to the unwanted conversation.

    Warrant: blahblahblah/well.../blahblahblah/well...(repeat till telemarketer gives up)

    Overt announcement:
    I have to go for lunch/to school/to feed my dog now!

    Reinvocation of reason for call:
    So you want to sell me this and you told me about all its good qualities but in the end I will not buy it whatever you say.

    Philosophical summing-up:
    Yeah..That's just life.. (if repeated, he'll probably think you're crazy and put down the phone first)

    I'm gonna try these the next time I get a telemarketing call..

  4. Seems that you're all very creative in coming up with closing strategies for telemarketing conversations. Interesting.
