Friday, February 12, 2010

Lecture 3 - Spoken Discourse

Still haven't really grasped the concept of Spoken Discourse. what's it different from Speech acts and events?

a concept my dad once told me: if you call me, means you want something of me. so why should i answer first? YOU tell me who you are. YOU tell me what you want! haha seems a little b*st*rd, but i find it true. and i find it useful in swatting away irritating sales calls. Show some irritation and impatience and you've alread turned your back.

But somehow these sales calls ignore all these openings, cues, negotiations. if you offer a pre-closing offering, they practically ignore it. which i guess is what makes them so irritating.

Me: um...okie but i'm not interested..
Sales guy: why not? it's a good plan! never know till you try it!
Me: ur huh..if i actually had to try everything on earth then????

gosh this is turning into a ranting post. and so i've taken to not answering unfamiliar numbers, or simply hanging up.

I suddenly had a thought for the research topic. how about: LISTENER RESPONSE FOR DATING COUPLES! haha or something along that line. might be interesting! that research would sell! girls will be buying to see if their boyfriends are "faking" it. haha

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lecture 2 - Speech Events

Definition: Structured activity which is governed by rules for the use of speech.

I realised that speech events occur in almost every aspect of our lives and we do take it extremely for granted. We assume it's natural, simply because we've been socialized into such norms, values and beliefs. It has become part of our subconscious. Only when we analyze deeper into everyday use of language, do we realise the significance of certain utterances.

Perhaps, this is what truely sets us apart from being mere animals. Perhaps, this is what it is to be truely civilized.

One point raised was that China nationals often have a smaller personal area in public spaces, and that Singaporeans must understand that it is the norm in China. However, in Singapore, it is NOT the norm and the China nationals have to understand it and adhere to our norms here! When in Rome, do as Romans do! The point I raised this was that I was thinking - how can such cross cultural communication or culture studies be applied to the masses so that there can be greater understanding and minimal misunderstanding in a diverse country like Singapore, where 1 in 4 are not born here!

Another point is when the prof asked if a prospective mother-in-law were to invite the son-in-law, what kind of reaction would be given. There were a great varying type of answers generated in the class, and within myself, I couldn't place my finger on my answer too - The "traditional chinese" values of modesty, unconditional respect for elders and consideration, yet being irritated or unhappy at being asked thrice reflected the democratic and respect ideology. My mind immediately thought of the sociologist Durkheim's anomie theory, where old values were becoming irrelevant in the increasingly fast-changing world and there was an absence of new values to govern social behaviour and norms, leading to absence or diminution of standards or values (normlessness). This was a classic example of how globalisation has affected traditional chinese values in a modern society like Singapore.

to end off, above is a video of a GREAT GREAT GREAT band from Scotland, FRANZ FERDINAND. Rock concerts do have a set of implicit rules as well! There is often turn-taking when the singer asks or says something and the crowd screams in response. Many concerts also have long sing-alongs nearer the end of the concert, usually the last song (before the encore). Sing-alongs also usually occur with the singer taking a line and the audience copying him in the next beat. And lastly, of course, when the crowd screams for encore, it is impolite of the band to refuse.
